2023-05-302023-05-302023-05-302022-06-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/206Scientific literacy in basic education is a necessity in the BNCC so that students can build scientific concepts and relate them to everyday life. With this assumption, the teaching of biotechnology has been approached in the classroom, but because it is fragmented, the understanding of a common concept has become scarce, and the need to bring scientific literacy to students has led to the search for different associated teaching methods to communication technologies that could enhance learning. With this, the present work was developed with two high school classes of the Federal Institute of Alagoas, Campus Maceió. The general objective of the research was to analyze how the analysis and production of videos favored the learning of students about transgenics in the 2nd year of high school. Specifically, we seek to propose a didactic sequence about transgenics; understand how the analysis of the film Okja favored the construction of knowledge about transgenics through videos produced by students; and to analyze if, in the production of the videos, the students demonstrated understanding of concepts about transgenics based on the proposed evaluation criteria. In the methodological way, a didactic sequence was proposed with the students' questionnaire resolution and production of videos. From the data analysis, the results indicate that the application of the didactic sequence contributed positively to the construction of knowledge about transgenics, enabling the creation of a learning experience conducive to the construction of knowledge on this complex topic by students.Acesso AbertoSequência didáticaAprendizagemAlimentos transgênicosProdução de vídeosDidactic sequenceLearningTransgenic foodsVideo productionProdução de vídeos por estudantes do ensino médio na construção da aprendizagem sobre alimentos transgênicos: reflexões a partir da proposição de uma sequência didáticaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS