2023-06-212023-06-212023-06-212022-06-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/228This research seeks to analyze the possible causes and difficulties inherent in the teaching-learning process of physics for students with hearing impairment. Its study base is four monographs from higher education institutions in the Brazilian northeast region. Firstly, there is a brief explanation of the main methodologies used in the education of the deaf student, later it is explained about the role of professionals involved in the teaching-learning process of deaf students, in addition to their competences both in the linguistic field and in the context of teaching physical. The present research uses as a methodological basis the systematic review of a qualitative nature, which is based on a literary search and then a synthesis of the points to be analyzed in order to answer a problem (What are the main difficulties in the teaching-learning process in for students with hearing impairment?). With this methodology we can verify that the teaching of physics is taking place in a disjointed way with the needs of the students, especially with the hearing impaired students. It is also noted that the supports provided by educational institutions, such as the interpreter and textbooks, are not enough to promote the academic advancement of deaf students. One of the answers found to the problem is the lack of knowledge of languages: Brazilian Sign Language, Portuguese Language, and Scientific Language.Acesso AbertoSurdezEnsino-AprendizagemEnsino de FísicaDeafnessTeaching-LearningTeaching PhysicsAprendizagem de física por deficientes auditivos: uma revisão sistemática de quatro produções científicasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA