2025-02-052025-02-052024-03-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/837This paper consists of an experience report about the application of literary literacy and critical literacy through theatrical practice, promoted by Reading Incentive Club and the Mandacaru Theater. The work is applied within IFAL facilities, and during the pandemic, workshops and rehearsals were online. As a reading club - poetic soirees and trips to the Deodoro Theater; as theater - dozens of theatrical pieces designed to provide activity participants with a plural and complete experience, with the aim of developing communication and body expression skills, allowing them to learn about different aspects of “theatrical activity”. As a methodology, the construction of diverse and transgressive forms of action in the undisciplinary process constituted by the predominant social being in the community chronicles is used. The conceptual models that guide this work are those of Koch, Rildo Cosson, Geraldi (as a reading club), and Delors et al, the exercises and theatrical games of Viola Spolin, the aesthetics of the Theater of the Oppressed, by Augusto Boal, and the Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, (as a theater group). The results indicate that theater, being a transversal art that transgresses stereotypes, is a powerful instrument for transforming the individual into an epistemic subject.ptLetras – PortuguêsTeatroLetramento literárioLetramento críticoClube de Incentivo à Leitura e ao Teatro MandacaruTheaterLiterary LiteracyAs (re) significações do cotidiano discente no contexto da trama teatralTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS