2021-08-232022-01-022021-08-232020-12-17http:// research deals with the teaching of accessible tourism, based on legislation related to people with disabilities, within the scope of Professional and Technological Education, supported by the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology and the precepts of action research. The research intends to promote spaces for reflection on the theme and, for that, it has developed two educational products: “Guia de Estudos de Turismo Acessível” (Accessible Tourism Studies Guide) and Turismo Acessível: guia de orientações para professores” (Accessible Tourism: guidance for teachers) in order to assist students and teachers in the process teaching-learning. In the investigation, we opted for a qualitative and quantitative approach, using documentary research and questionnaires for the initial diagnosis of the profile of the participants, being students of the discipline Legislation Applied in Tourism, of the third year of the high school technical course integrated in tourisn guide of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Campus Marechal Deodoro. For the final evaluation of the educational product, the following were used: the questionnaire, observation and collective collaboration, in addition to questionnaires for the recognition of accessibility conditions in hotels and museums in Maceió and Marechal Deodoro. The results indicate that most students did not know the topic, but were interested in studying it; that the adopted methodology facilitated learning and that the educational product helped students to reflect on the proposed theme. They also show that hotels and museums still need to make efforts to be accessible; therefore, there is space and relevance for the application of the educational product, which will contribute to the adequate training of future professionals and citizens sensitive to the challenge of implementing accessibility for all.Acesso AbertoInclusãoDireitos HumanosMetodologia AtivaProduto EducacionalGuias didáticos para o ensino de turismo acessível: reflexões a partir de problemas sobre a legislação referente às pessoas com deficiência e a acessibilidadeDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS