2024-02-092024-02-092024-02-092023-11-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/362This research presents an investigation on the planning for Portuguese Language Teaching (PLL) in a pandemic period, paying attention to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) and its respective peculiarities. The entire discussion is based on the guiding element that organizes the school teaching and learning processes, leading to the achievement of stipulated goals. This study was developed from the experience of teachers in an atypical situation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus, an exploration of the resources/tools that were contemplated in the didactic planning mediated by the Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC), during the ERE. The research was carried out with Portuguese language teachers from the municipalities of Girau do Ponciano and Arapiraca, working in municipal and state schools and at the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL). The methodological approach is centered on qualitative research, being configured, at first, in a case study and for the semi-structured interviews and semi-open questionnaires were used, which were applied only to teachers, however, due to the lack of conclusive information for the study, it was necessary to expand the case study to an integrative review. Among the study analyses, the authors who were the basis for this study were De Lacerda and Junior (2021), Mesquita and Mandú (2020), Morais (2020) and Rodrigues (2021), because they are more recent studies. The results of the data collection showed teacher reinventions for the occurrence of remote classes. The need for continuing education for basic education teachers was shown, with a view to facing different realities that may arise. The difficulties faced by teachers and students were reported, as well as the notions of planning, as an instrument present in the school routine. The results indicate that the teachers they were surprised by remote teaching, as they were not prepared for this type of event. However, to deal with this situation, teachers sought different tools to maintain teaching and learning processes during the pandemic.Acesso AbertoPlanejamentoEnsino de língua portuguesaEnsino remotoPlanningPortuguese language teachingRemote learningPlanejando o ensino de língua portuguesa em tempos de pandemia: reinvenções da docênciaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES