2023-05-162023-05-162023-05-162022-02-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/187The objective of this work was to provide an overview of the Scientific Initiation of IFAP, as well as to analyze the impacts on the academic performance of students of integrated technical high school of the agricultural campus Porto Grande. As study instruments, data obtained from the Education Directorate, School Registration Coordination and SUAP of IFAP - Porto Grande agricultural campus were used, then these data were tabulated and analyzed with the help of Microsoft Office Excel. The results showed that the number of projects developed together with technical high school students on this campus is still lower than the number of projects carried out with higher education students; that the figure of the advisor assumes a fundamental role; and that the participation of high school students in scientific initiation (CI) improves their academic performance. Therefore, it was concluded that CI in the institution is an activity that, in addition to stimulating the scientific side of students, allows them to develop skills and abilities that will enrich their general education. However, it was observed that there are still few scientific research works developed on the Porto Grande campus.Acesso AbertoProjeto de pesquisaNível médioEnsino TécnicoResearch projectMiddle levelTechnical educationPanorama da iniciação científica no ensino médio técnico integrado do Instituto Federal do Amapá Campus Agrícola Porto GrandeTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS