2024-03-122024-03-122024-03-122022-03-18https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/448It is known that with the need for independence from oil and the search for fuels that were less polluting, the Proálcool was created, with the objective of encouraging the production of ethanol. Thus, ethanol is known to be a sustainable fuel alternative, in which it is generated from renewable sources. However, it is observed that during the production of ethyl alcohol some impacts to the environment are triggered. Therefore, this work aimed to analyze, through a literature review, the environmental impacts caused during each stage of agricultural and industrial production of ethanol. Therefore, impacts such as reduction in soil quality, soil and water bodies pollution by the exacerbated use of pesticides and fertilizers, in addition to atmospheric pollution and loss of biodiversity resulting from the burning, were identified, finally, soil and water pollution were also found due to incorrect disposal or uncontrolled use of residues and effluents from stages of the industrial process of manufacturing ethanol.Acesso AbertoCana-de-açúcarProdução de etanolImpactos ambientaisImpactos ambientais causados através da produção do etanolTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoTECNOLOGIA QUIMICAALCOOL