2024-08-212024-08-212024-08-212022-07-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/621The maintenance of water on the planet is essential for several purposes: domestic, cultivation, industrial, ecosystem attributes, among others. Thus, its promotion is essential to human development. Given the level of this resource, it is necessary to know the level of hydro-environmental sustainability of springs. This work aims to analyze the hydroenvironmental quality of the headwaters of the Coruripe river basin on the south coast of Alagoas. O- study of environmental quality, having as environmental characteristics the physical characteristics, the macroscopic and microscopic sources of the quality of the characteristics, the health quality protocol and the biological values established by the National Council for the Environment-CONAMA. During the realization, data were estimated and collected between 2021 and within2. 205 collection points were selected according to their influence2 of the limits of environmental preservation, and2 of the works the state of environmental preservation Minas d'águas. At these points were determined as physical and physical characteristics, macroscopic and microbiological characteristics. The realization of this work will make it possible to clarify the community about the degree of preservation of its springs, as well as the quality of its waters, signaled as public entities and entities responsible for water resources in the basin, the need to develop public policies that guarantee protection of water-based water resources, offering terrestrial ecosystems, safe water and water and to the population that uses the Coruripe River watershed.Acesso RestritoÁguaRecursos hídricosMonitoramento AmbientalWaterWater resourcesEnvironmental monitoringDiagnóstico hidroambiental de nascentes da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Coruripe no Litoral Sul de AlagoasDissertaçãoOUTROS