2023-09-132023-09-112023-09-132021-07-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/308The students’ sexual and gender diversity is one of the issues that has emerged in the school in recent times, especially in the last two decades. In this sense, studies are essential to analyze how the school space, especially in high school vocational education, has been facing this issue in terms of reflection, curriculum and inclusion. Aspects linked to sexual and gender diversity, when not considered in the school context, can represent a form of exclusion (JUNQUEIRA, 2009; BENTO, 2011). In this context, the objective of this study is to enable spaces for discussions involving LGBTQIA+ identities in formal teaching contexts in Vocational and Technological Education from the formation of conversation circles, with a view to producing an Educational Product. This theme is directly linked to the transversality of the school curriculum in the modality of Vocational and Technological Education, since it has as its core the perspective of critical-emancipatory education (RAMOS, 2014; PACHECO, 2011). A study with such a focus is relevant to reflect and propose a curriculum and a school that aims to include diversity in their teaching programs (MISKOLCI, 2012; PELÚCIO, 2014). Thus, the research had a qualitative approach, whose method is the action research, based on authors such as Thiollent (2007), Barbier (2002) and Tripp (2005). The methodological procedures included bibliographical research, documental research and field research. One of the main research techniques used was the Conversation Circles with the voluntary participants, involving students and assistance technicians with a view to capturing their voices for the development of an Educational Product. Instruments such as profile-questionnaires, applied to teachers, students and technical-assistance staff, and satisfaction questionnaires also comprised the data collection. As a result, we found that there is a gap between the regulations that guide the inclusion of the theme of sexual and gender diversity in the curriculum and in its effective practice; all claim the need for a more systematic approach to this issue in the institution's curriculum; and, still, the application of the Educational Product, together with the segments participating in the research, proved its effectiveness in terms of promoting systematic debates in this regard.Acesso AbertoEducaçãoDiversidade SexualGêneroIdentidadeCurrículoProduto EducacionalIdentidades LGBTQIA+ silenciadas: rodas de conversa sobre diversidade sexual e de gênero na Educação Profissional e TecnológicaDissertaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO