2024-03-072024-03-072024-03-072022-03-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/436Conservation units (UC) are protected areas, and function as a means of maintaining ecosystems that have great environmental relevance. Alagoas is a vast and rich state, both culturally and environmentally, and when researching the conservation units in the state, it was realized the need to address the topic: federal UCs. For this, an analysis was made of the territorial distribution of these UCs, and when evaluating them, it was possible to verify the great potentia and the conflicts that they have, interconnecting these concepts and acquiring information, such as the biomes present in the state and where are located, being the Caatinga and Mata Atlântica, the traditional communities that are located within these UCs. The Caatinga is an exclusively Brazilian biome, which has a characteristic vegetation and great biodiversity, having a great richness in species and a soil of fertile variability, being only 7.7% protected by UCs. As a result of deforestation, the Caatinga has been presenting problems of environmental deterioration, in addition to being a poorly studied and protected biome, for such reasons, it is of paramount importance to prioritize the study and protection of such a biome. The Atlantic Forest is not far behind, it is a biome that has great biodiversity and even so has many species at risk of extinction, has frequent problems with fires and deforestation and is only 10% protected by UCs. With this in mind, it is possible to observe that the Alagoas territory has the need and the capacity to create new UCs, since even though there are approximately 50 conservation units in the state, most of them are RPPNs (Private Heritage Reserves), while approximately 20 other UCs are unevenly arranged, favoring the east of Alagoas and the Atlantic Forest with 5 conservation units, while the Sertão and Agreste of Alagoas encompassed by the caatinga are unprotected, with only 1 conservation unit. Thus, coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to create new UCs in order to provide greater protection for the Sertão and Agreste of Alagoas, specifically targeting the Caatinga, because in the current situation it is disproportionate in relation to the Atlantic Forest.Acesso AbertoÁreas protegidasBiomas alagoanosMessoregiõesEstudo sobre as unidades de conservação federais em Alagoas: características e distribuição espacialTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEcologia de ecossistemas