2024-11-282024-11-282020https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/777This research aims to analyze how the relationship between theory and practice occurs in the process of preparing students at IFAL-Campus Maceió for the robotics championships held by this institution. The main objective is to build a didactic-pedagogical instrument that can contribute to the teaching and learning process and to the integration between technical disciplines and robotics tournaments. Educational robotics is a technological resource that allows integration between different areas of knowledge, such as: physics, electronics, computers, mechanics and logic, which makes it an ally in the learning process, as it has a proximity to everyday life, turning it possible to relate knowledge learned in the classroom with the reality experienced by students. In this sense, we have developed two educational products, a tutorial and a robotics workshop. The purpose of the elaborated tutorial is to constitute itself as potentially significant material, as well as to present initial guidance for better assimilation of knowledge pertinent to the area of robotics. The development of the workshop, in turn, is based on planning, application and evaluation phases. The different variables that intervene in the teaching-learning process were systematized in order to organize teaching practice. This research uses action research as scientific method, with a qualitative approach, using semistructured interviews and semi-structured questionnaires as methodological instruments, which were carried out respectively with the teacher who organizes the tournaments and with the students who participated in the robotics workshop. The results obtained point out that the pedagogical practice adopted in the robotics workshop favors the learning process, and prepares students for participating in robotics tournaments.ptRobótica educacional. Integração entre teoria e prática. Ensino de ciências. Produto educacional.Oficina de Robótica Educacional como Mecanismo de Articulação entre Teoria e Prática no Curso Técnico em EletrônicaDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO