2024-08-092024-08-092024-08-092022-08-11https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/593This work consists of the analysis of Portuguese Language Teaching in Elementary School II when it is proposed to insert the Northeastern dialect in the classroom. Our objective is to verify, through observations, how teacher and student behave in the face of linguistic variation presented through the most varied textual genres, as well as to understand how normative grammar and linguistic variation are reconciled in the school context, standing out as a variant the dialect of the Northeast region, which is the target of much prejudice and considered wrong by speakers from other regions of Brazil, taking into account the continental dimension of the country. The justification of the research is the importance of understanding that the language can vary without being characterized as an error, but varies according to the place, with the social class, among other aspects presented throughout the work, aspects guided by the Variationist Sociolinguistics. , which has its precursor Labov. The theoretical and methodological apparatus adopted will be Freitag and Lima (2010), Bagno (2008) and Faraco (2007), who through Sociolinguistics emphasize the importance of understanding the diversity of the language and its characteristics, as well as inserting such diversity in the school curriculum. In the results, it is possible to perceive the difficulties in the teaching-learning process, for the teacher who needs to reconcile normative grammar with the linguistic variation found in the mother tongue, and for the student, in understanding that the cultured language is necessary, but the use of dialects, accents and slang is not incorrect.Acesso AbertoLíngua PortuguesaVariação LinguísticaSociolinguísticaPortuguese languageLinguistic VariationSociolinguisticsEnsino e gramática: os dialetos nordestinos nas aulas de língua portuguesaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES