2023-04-252023-04-252023-04-252022-02-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/169The objective of the study is to present the difficulties, challenges and solutions of teachers in the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE). The questionnaires were prepared and applied in the period of pre and post-implementation ERE. The application of the questionnaires was carried out online (Google Form). Ten professors working at IFAL in different technical courses were interviewed. The main limitations of teachers, technological tools and students' access to the synchronous environment were relevant points in the questionnaire. A presentation was made of all the challenges and solutions faced by teachers during the period of implementation of the ERE.Acesso Abertoaula remotaensino-aprendizagemtransiçãoRemote classtransitionteaching-learningEnsino remoto em tempos de Pandemia (Covid-19): docentes atuantes no IfalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS