2024-09-112024-09-112024-09-112023-06-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/719The Caatinga biome predominates in much of the northeast region of Brazil, comprising about 48% of the state of Alagoas, extending across several municipalities, including the municipality of São José da Tapera. The Caatinga has been suffering suppression processes that have put the diversity of forest and animal species in this biome at risk. Therefore, it is necessary to create alternatives to minimize the effects of human and natural actions. The native plant nursery can be assumed as an alternative to minimize such effects, in addition to serving as a laboratory for studies in the area. From this idea, the present work aimed to build a nursery of native plants in a participatory way, involving the residents of the Caboclo village community, located in the municipality of São José da Tapera, located in the backlands of the State of Alagoas. The methodology used in this study used a qualitative and quantitative approach, associated with an action research, as it is a participatory investigation. The study was subdivided into 6 stages, namely the presentation of the project, the beginning of conversation circles on fauna and flora themes, visiting existing nurseries, obtaining seeds, setting up the nursery and planting seedlings. The study sample included 54 students who attend the only public school in the village and were selected with the support of the school coordination. At the end of the stages, it became evident that the nurseries can be used as environmental education strategies, as they help to preserve the entire web and life cycles of a biome.Acesso AbertoCaatingaEducação AmbientalPlantio de MudasEnvironmental EducationSeedling PlantingViveiro de plantas nativas: laboratório de vivências práticas em educação ambientalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS AGRARIAS