2024-07-292024-07-292024-07-292022-07-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/565In recent decades, Brazilian agribusiness has grown positively, placing the country as one of the largest producers and exporters of food, resulting in a potential user of pesticides (agrochemicals) in vegetable crops, thereby reducing losses. However, in terms of health and food safety, there are no significant benefits in relation to the economic sector in Brazil, since poisoning by agrochemicals can be directly or indirectly, leaving the population exposed to acute and chronic diseases. The risk of contamination of these compounds in water resources is also an environmental and public health concern. In this context, the study aimed to estimate the level of contamination of water from domestic supply wells by agrochemicals applied in an urban area in the metropolitan region of the city of Maceió-AL, whose analyzes were carried out according to criteria proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. - EPA, using liquid and gas chromatography techniques coupled with mass spectrometry. As a result, it was observed that during this study the 27 active principles evaluated were below the limits allowed by Brazilian legislation. As for the risk of water contamination, even with results below the recommended limits, it is recommended that there is a need to implement environmental monitoring programs and measures aimed at protecting public health, since agrochemical parameters are currently established in the evaluations the potability of water for human consumption. The treatment and control of water are, for vital reasons, ways of mitigating the spread of diseases or complications, satisfying the quality standards established for the distribution of water for human consumption.Acesso AbertoPesticidasRecursos hídricosSaúde públicaMeio ambientePesticidesWater resourcesPublic healthEnvironmentMonitoramento e quantificação de agroquímicos na água de poços de abastecimento urbano do município de Maceió (AL)DissertaçãoENGENHARIAS