2021-08-182021-08-182020-07-17http:// order to contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of the state of Alagoas in the classrooms of the technical courses integrated to the high school of the Federal Institute of Alagoas (Ifal), during this work an educational product was done in a participatory manner, with the contribution of the teaching staff and the pedagogy team. This initiative also contributes to a more effective implementation of the legislation that instituted the mandatory inclusion of the theme "Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture" in the official curriculum for public and private schools: Federal Law No. 11,645 of March 10th, 2008. Using action research as a method, this work sought to expand knowledge about the history and social processes that affect the indigenous populations of Alagoas in order to include it in the discussion of integrated education. The locus of the research was the Ifal Satuba Campus and the two pedagogues from the campus and 10 (ten) professors at the disciplines Arts, History, Portuguese Language and Sociology participated. The diagnosis was applied through questionnaires and semi-directed interviews with the professionals of the campus and, to complement the information, a questionnaire was also applied to some students of the high school’s last grade. After that step, the content of the educational product was built on a bibliographic and documentary research basis, evaluated by the same diagnosis professors, by the Neabi's advisor and by expert researchers from outside the campus. After the inclusion of the evaluation contributions, the educational product “Etnias Indígenas Alagoanas”, was finalized. We understand that the product contributes for the improvement of the educational practice, that it responds to a legal requirement and that it expands the conditions of recognition of the local context by the school community, contributing to a true integral education.Acesso AbertoCulturaEducação IntegradaEnsinoProduto Educacional.Povo indígenaEducação integrada e a questão indígena: uma proposta de intervenção nos cursos de ensino técnico integrado ao médio do instituto federal de alagoasDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS