2023-04-282023-04-282023-04-282022-02-14https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/171The present study has as its theme to analyze the teacher's didactic strategies in the face of the application of the teaching and learning process in the virtual environment. With the proliferation of the coronavirus (Covid-19), isolation was an exceptional measure to reduce the number of infected. With isolation, people resorted to the virtual dimension to continue with their daily activities. As for teaching, it moved from physical classrooms to the virtual environment. The justification for this work was due to the fact that in this process many difficulties arise in handling the different teaching platforms and, in this context, the search for student engagement and interaction. So, the main objective was to identify the strategies used by the professors of a Professional School of Nursing, from the accomplishment of a bibliographic survey. This study intends to answer what are the didactic strategies that the professors of the professionalizing nursing course are using in the period of remote teaching. In addition to the bibliographic study on remote teaching, a questionnaire was applied to teachers of the nursing course who work in professional education using remote teaching during the pandemic in the new coronavirus, the results showed dissatisfaction with student performance, lack of feedback and inaccessibility technology by many, making teaching and learning difficult. With this, the proposal of the present work is to train teachers aiming at improving the quality of remote teaching, with improvement of information systems that provide the evaluation and performance of students, so that they can interact and thus facilitate the teaching-learning process.Acesso AbertoEstratégias EducacionaisEnfermagemEnsino RemotoAmbiente Virtual de AprendizagemEducational StrategiesVirtual learning environmentRemote TeachingNursingEstratégias didáticas dos professores do ensino técnico em enfermagem durante o ensino remotoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS