2024-07-032024-07-032024-07-032020-02-17https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/533Although images are part of the socio-historical-cultural context and are in our daily life, schools tend to give more importance to the written elements rather than the visual ones. Having in mind that in the process of choosing Didact Books there is a specific criterion about images, this paper had the goal of investigating how Brazilian ethnic diversity and social and cultural plurality are shown in the Portuguese Language didactic book Contexto, Interlocução e Sentido, used by IFAL-Campus Maceió. The Theoretical Reference is represented on the documents that rule the Didactic Book National Program and by studies in the field of multimodality. This is a research of qualitative nature and the kind of investigation used was the documental reseach method. The process of collecting and generating data took place in the following phases: (i) checking if the images with ethnic diversity themes, Brazilian social and cultural plurality are presented in the High School Didactic Português: contexto, interlocução e sentido; and (ii) multimodal analysis of the images that address the theme in this research. The results show that the collection analyzed did not accomplish the criteria related to images which is shown in the PNLD. This confirms the necessity of a reflexion regarding the importance of observing the text-image relation during the choosing of the didactic book, since we live in a more and more multimodal society.Acesso AbertoLetras - PortuguêsLivro didático de Língua PortuguesaMultimodalidadeDiversidade étnicaPluralidade social e culturalPortuguese Language didactic bookMultimodalityEthnic diversitySocial and cultural pluralityO livro didático de português: um estudo sobre a relação texto-imagemTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS