2024-07-252024-07-252024-07-252021-12-08https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/558This research seeks to understand how the curriculum of Licentiate Degree courses in Chemistry in the State of Alagoas dialogue and dialogue with the conceptions and perceptions of Special Education. With a qualitative approach, bibliographical research with documental analysis was used in order to systematize the data obtained from the analysis of the Pedagogical Projects of the Course. All legal regulations that guide the sport in Brazil were revised, as well as the history behind the development of public policies that ensured/assured people with disabilities. six categories were built for data analysis: "Guidelines for the curriculum of Licentiate Degree courses in Chemistry of public institutions in the state of Alagoas", "Curriculum, semesters and cores per institution", "Axes/nuclei and their workloads" , "Components that address important concepts of Special Education of a non-specific nature", "Specific components related to Special Education/Inclusive Education" and "Topics of specific curriculum components", all of them with the purpose of systematizing the curricular organization of the analyzed PPC's. At the end, essentially dialoguing with the perspectives of Minetto (2008), Silva (2010), Guebert (2007), it is concluded that the curricula of the analyzed educational institutions do not offer the necessary training for the future chemistry teacher to work with students with disabilities.Acesso AbertoQuímicaLicenciatura em Química - Normativos legaisEducação especialProjetos Pedagógicos de CursoLegal RegulationsOfficial curriculumEducação especial na formação inicial de professores: uma análise dos currículos dos cursos de licenciatura em Química de AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA