2024-02-202024-02-202024-02-202023-10-30https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/367Considering water's importance and scarcity, the management of water resources is seen as an essential pillar for minimizing the risks of water deficit. In Brazil, hydrological basins are regulated by the National Water Resources Policy as territorial planning units. Therefore, with scientific advancement of hydrology, hydrological modeling becomes a valuable tool for studying river basins and their hydrological responses. The aim of this study is to contribute with the dissemination of SWAT hydro- sedimentological model in a river basin with insufficient monitoring and data, through the applicability of SWAT plus integrated with QSWAT plus. The river basin in question is Pratagy river, typical from the Atlantic Forest biome, with an area of 194.77 km2, located in Alagoas and which contributes with 40% of the water supply system of Maceió. The data required by the model were extracted from official databases and had to be processed to meet the locality and correlations of existing data banks in SWAT. The historical series were carried out in two monitoring stations - one for rain gauge station from ANA and other meteorological from INMET - for 46-year interval of hydrometeorological data and a 5-year warm-up period. After the simulations in the SWAT+ hydrosedimentological model, the results obtained are similar to other similar studies in this region. Furthermore, through the results, it is possible to verify a potential increase in water output from the basin, through evapotranspiration, in comparison to the volume precipitated in the coming years and the consumption demands, arising from abstraction for public supply. Finally, the importance of carrying out efficient water management at BHP is highlighted and the need to execute specifically to validate the modeling and extract more consistent results for the Brazilian basins.Acesso AbertoGestãoModelagem hidrológicaBalanço hídricoManagementHydrological modelingWater balanceModelo hidrossedimentólogico SWAT+ aplicado em regiões com escassez de dados: um estudo de caso na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Pratagy em AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS