2024-07-222024-07-222024-07-222019-07-08https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/548The current work is a study about storytelling and its importance in the formation process of new readers and writers, emphasizing the use of fables and the reading strategies used by the readers to reflect and assimilate the message brought by the text they read. Telling stories is a great way to increase children's knowledge about the world, it's also very important at the development of the future readers because of all the benefits that the reading habit brings us, and as well as it entertains, it stimulates the imagination. Acknowledging that, this work analyzes a case study, using a qualitative research methodology, through observations of several moments of storytelling, interviews, creations and analysis of fables produced by kids. The study was based on a project to encourage reading among children called “Senta Que Lá Vem A Historia”, developed at the community of Alto da Boa Vista, in Chã da Jaqueira, a neighborhood in Maceió, Brazil. The project had approximately 30 children from 05 to 12 years old. In the analysis’ results, it’s noticeable the influence storytelling has on helping kids to grow to competent textual readers and writers, since the evidence indicates that there was an evolution of the students throughout their participation on the project. By the end of it, they became active readers who can fully understand what they read and produce coherent texts.Acesso AbertoLetrasLeitura - Produção de textoFábulas - Contação de históriasStorytellingReading - text productionA formação de jovens leitores: relato de uma experiência com contação de históriasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS