2023-05-302023-05-302023-05-302022-05-27https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/207Sapindaceae is a family with great diversity, with approximately 1900 species, being widely distributed in tropical and subtropical climates. In Brazil, there are 436 species and 26 genera, with high endemism in the Atlantic and Amazon forests. Regarding the genus Paullinia L., object of the present study, it is included in Sapindaceae and currently comprises 220 species, being one of the largest groups of the family, differing mainly by the diverse morphology of its capsule fruits. The study was carried out in the state of Alagoas, located in the northeast region, which has its vegetation distributed in three mesoregions: East, Agreste and Sertão Alagoano. The main objective of this study was to elaborate the Flora de Paullinia for the state of Alagoas, enriching the knowledge about the Sapindaceae family and the flora of the state. To carry out this work, collections were carried out in several regions of the state of Alagoas, analyzes of herborized materials deposited in the MAC herbarium, in addition to consultation in virtual herbariums of Reflora, JABOT and Specieslink. Ten species were recognized for the genus at the study site: Paullinia carpopoda Cambess., P. elegans Cambess., P. micrantha Cambess., P. pinnata L., P. pseudota Radlk, P. revoluta Radlk., P. rhomboidea Radlk., P. rubiginosa Cambess., P. trigonia Vell. and P. weinmanniifolia Mart. Identification key, descriptions, geographic distribution, illustrations and taxonomic comments for the species are presented.Acesso AbertoBiodiversidadeFlorísticaPaullinieaeBiodiversityFloristicFlora de Alagoas: Paullinia L.(Sapindaceae)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS