2024-01-082024-01-082024-01-082023-11-08https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/345This work proposes to carry out an analysis of dropout data in the Chemistry Degree course at the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), from 2010 to 2022. The approach adopted is exploratory, descriptive and quantitative, based on research conducted to investigate the causes and consequences of dropout among students of this course. The data used for this analysis will be collected from the Nilo Peçanha platform and documents provided by the Academic Records Coordination (CRA), extracted from the Integrated Academic Activity Management System (SIGAA). The research is based on understanding why the number of graduates is lower than that of entrants and identifying factors that contributed to this dropout. Furthermore, it aims at a systematic review of literature related to dropout in higher education and undergraduate education. And by combining the results of this review with specific data from IFAL, we seek to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the factors that influence dropout rates in the Chemistry Degree course. The joint analysis of the causes and consequences of evasion will provide a basis for developing improvement strategies.Acesso AbertoEvasão estudantilEducação superiorLicenciatura em químicaInstituto Federal de AlagoasStudent dropoutCollege educationChemistry graduationFederal Institute of AlagoasEvasão no Curso de Licenciatura em Química no Ifal - Campus Maceió: análise de dados dos alunos evadidos de 2010 a 2022Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA