2024-09-022024-09-022024-09-022023-12-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/679Situated within the field of Interdisciplinary Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006), this work aims to produce a situated interpretation of the multisemiotic meanings attributed to racism and racial violence in the works of Brazilian rapper Djonga. This interpretation is based on the multimedia productions related to the compositions "Conversa Com Uma Menina Branca'' and "Hat-Trick." To achieve this, performative language concepts (AUSTIN, 1991; PINTO, 2009; SILVA, 2019) were employed, extending them to contemporary multisemiotic productions (GONZÁLEZ, 2020), along with contemporary studies on racialization processes and the operation of racism in the Brazilian context (FANON, 2008; BENTO, 2002; MUNANGA, 1986; KILOMBA, 2020; ALMEIDA, 2019; AKOTIRENE, 2019). Using a qualitative and interpretative approach (MOITA LOPES, 1998), both the rapper's compositions and the music videos that constitute his production were analyzed as a multimedia artist in the contemporary Brazilian rap scene. The analyses conducted pointed to the denunciation of whiteness as a power system that produces racial alienation of black individuals and the erasure of their culture, ancestry, and spirituality. It underscores identity assimilation as a survival condition in a racist society. The work also highlights the structural and everyday dimensions of racism, which create a multilayered network of violence ranging from social inequality to police violence. Finally, it emphasizes the intersectional nature of racism, with the overlapping of different axes of oppression such as gender and class. In general, this work allows us to argue about the various ways in which language is appropriated, in its multiple semiotic forms, by the national rap movement as a political platform denouncing the conditions of violence experienced by peripheral black communities. It serves as a space for amplifying historically silenced voices, which are essential aspects of the anti-racist struggle in the last country to abolish commercial slavery in the Americas.Acesso AbertoLetras - PortuguêsLinguística aplicadaLinguagem - Hip-hopDjonga - Hip-hopRacismoRacism"Ou você vai ser mais um negro que passou a vida em branco?": faces do racismo na produção multissemiótica do rapper DjongaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS