2024-09-112024-09-112024-09-112023-06-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/722This research addresses basic sanitation as essential for people's quality of life, in this way, its lack or mismanagement, causes damage to health, quality of life, well-being of people and also contributes to the degradation of the environment. It was taken into account what defines the institutions that regulate basic sanitation in Brazil as a basic right to be guaranteed to society. This research aimed to demonstrate and report the importance of basic sanitation for the population of Miai de Baixo, a district located in the municipality of Coruripe, south coast of Alagoas. As a methodology, the location and georeferencing of suitable points and those with poor sanitation were carried out, through searches in locu and through the Google Maps online application, a map was prepared to account for and display the quantification of the points under study in percentage; The quantification of irregular waste disposal points occurred by counting the open sewers and dissipation of the drinking water supply; To show, in percentage, the general quantification of irregular and regular sanitation points, an Excel pie chart was used. It was possible to conclude that the lack of basic sanitation in the location under study, causes consequences for the residents of this region, causing problems, which imply a worsening of the quality of life.Acesso AbertoSaneamento básicoDoençasSaúdeQualidade de vidaDiseasesQuality of lifeHealthUm estudo de caso sobre o saneamento básico no Distrito de Miai de Baixo no município de Coruripe - ALTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoENGENHARIAS