2025-02-052025-02-052024-07-19https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/844This study delved into investigating the importance of children's and young adult literature in shaping critical readers. By addressing the need to understand how literature aimed at young audiences contributes to cognitive and emotional development, this research situates itself within the educational context, aiming to explore how children's and young adult literature can effectively promote critical reading among youth. Methodologically, a qualitative approach was adopted. The findings underscored the crucial role of children's and young adult literature as a mediator in identity construction and in fostering critical reflection among young readers. The study emphasizes the urgent need for more effective integration of literary works into educational environments, recognizing their transformative potential in contemporary society. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of fostering critical reading from childhood, acknowledging literature as an essential ally in shaping reflective and conscientious individuals. ––With theoretical contributions from Rildo Cosson, Bernard Charlot, Lígia Cademartori, Regina Zilberman, and Marisa Lajolo, this understanding reinforces the significance of valuing and integrating children and young adult’s literature into pedagogical practices, thereby contributing to the holistic development of emerging readers.ptLetras - PortuguêsLiteratura infantojuvenilFormação de leitoresChildren and young adult’s literatureReader formationCritical readerA importância da leitura infantojuvenil para a formação do leitor críticoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS