2024-09-112024-09-112024-09-112021-05-25https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/718The topic in question brings a project to implement a system for capturing and using rainwater, addressing two considerable factors, approaching the importance of preserving natural resources, in particular fresh and potable water and the importance of using rainwater for non-potable purposes, however this water has a low storage cost, making it useful for different functions, such as gardening, discharging and washing yards and vehicles. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate the importance of water resources and the preservation of sources and streams, on which the beings of the terrestrial globe depend for their subsistence, informing about their distribution and capture in the world and in Brazil, and to present the main advantages of reusing rainwater for non-potable purposes, through a collection system implemented at the Rui Palmeira Municipal School - São Miguel dos Campos, in addition to serving as a basis for the creation of new systems.Acesso AbertoPreservação dos recursos naturaisÁguas PluviaisReaproveitamentoSistema de CaptaçãoPreservation of naturalRainwaterReuseCapture SystemImplantação de um sistema de captação de águas pluviais para fins não-potáveis na escola municipal Rui Palmeira em São Miguel dos Campos – AlTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS AGRARIAS