2024-08-212024-08-212024-08-212022-07-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/623Institutions, in recent years, have undergone transformations that force them to change practices within their internal sectors, seeking economy, quality and innovation, in order to improve the performance of their actions. The 5S program emerged in Japan in the 1950s, with the need to combat the structural disorganization of the productive sector in the post-War period. Due to the success achieved by this practice, other countries began to use it in different situations. The 5S is a set of five concepts that are capable of modifying the work environment, the way of conducting routine activities and attitudes, they are: Seiri (use), Seiton (ordering), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (health and well-being) and Shitsuke (discipline). The objective of implementing this program in a municipal school is to reduce and conserve the existing installation and to act as a facilitator in the student, teacher and staff relationship, enabling mutual respect, both for people and for the environment. The project followed a quantitative and qualitative methodology associated with action research. For the development of the work, questionnaires were applied to analyze the degree of knowledge on the subject by the school community, conversation circles, lectures, workshops and activities to raise awareness and organize specific spaces. The research sample consisted of 50 students from the 5th year of elementary school and x employees of the school's administrative body. The work was carried out in the period from April to November 2019, with a workload of 4 hours per week. With the end of the project, the need to expand these actions in the school space became perceptible, considering that there was a good reception in relation to the theme and with the project the seed was launched, but it needs to be continued and the direction of the unit is committed to continue these actions, as some improvements were impossible to carry out due to bureaucratic and financial issues. Currently, this work is in the final stage of review for presentation.Acesso Aberto5SEducação AmbientalConscientizaçãoEnvironmental educationAwarenessImplantação do programa 5S na Escola Municipal Professora Eleuza Galvão Rodas com ênfase na educação ambiental : relato de experiênciaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS