2025-02-052025-02-052024-07-12https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/840The present Graduation Project (TCC) focuses on the development and implementation of StudyBot, an interactive chatbot designed to provide personalized support to students during their preparation for educational assessments. The application was developed using the main features of the .NET framework and the C# (CSharp) language, and is available through the Telegram messaging tool. The persistent issue of inequality in access to quality education highlights the growing need for tools that can offer personalized and accessible educational support. This project proposes StudyBot as a solution to support students, providing an accessible and efficient means of assessment preparation using modern technologies and widely used platforms. StudyBot was developed using the .NET framework and the C# programming language. Telegram was chosen as the initial platform due to its popularity and ease of integration with chatbots. Additionally, future plans include the incorporation of artificial intelligence into StudyBot and expansion to other messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp. Initial results demonstrate that StudyBot can democratize access to quality education, broadening its reach and promoting personalized learning. The study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of educational technologies, offering an innovative and effective alternative to support students in their academic journey. Future perspectives include the integration of artificial intelligence and expansion to other messaging platforms, aiming to reach an even wider and more diverse audience.ptSistemas de InformaçãoChatbot – Avaliações educacionaisStudybotInteligência ArtificialChatbot - Educational AssessmentsArtificial IntelligenceDesenvolvimento do studyboat: um chatbot interativo para apoio em avaliações educacionais com foco em questões do ENEMTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::CIENCIA DA COMPUTACAO::METODOLOGIA E TECNICAS DA COMPUTACAO::SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO