2023-06-122023-06-062023-06-122018-12-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/222The purpose of this study was to evaluate the main limitations in the learning of food microbiology in the technical course in Agroindustry in the modality integrated to high school and, from this analysis, propose alternatives to optimize the teaching and learning process of the students. To do this, tools proposed by the action-research methodology were used, where the researcher is inserted in the exploratory process seeking ways to effectively intervene in the research developments. It was possible to verify that most of the students interviewed, in fact, presented a lot of insecurity and little mastery in the accomplishment of fundamental analytical techniques in the quality control of a food industry. Based on this, it was proposed the elaboration of teaching projects concomitant with the technical course, in order to complement the student's training, preparing it better for future internship opportunities, research projects and the labor market. The proposed teaching project was executed with great success, presenting great adhesion and satisfaction on the part of the students and teachers of the area. In this sense, the realization of courses of this nature presented itself as a very interesting strategy to complement the formation of the future technical professional in Agroindustry.Acesso AbertoEducaçãoMicrobiologia de alimentosEnsino -aprendizagemImpacto do ensino complementar de microbiologia de alimentos na percepção de estudantes do ensino médio IintegradoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES