2024-09-092024-09-092024-09-092023-12-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/704The disorderly growth of large cities, coupled with the lack of birth control, associated with technological and economic development, has indiscriminately increased the consumption of natural resources, such factors have awakened the need to address environmental issues more intensely, since, the lack of environmental awareness and the exploitation of natural resources, compromise the existence of species, especially those that are threatened with extinction. The main objective of this research is to describe the tourist potential of the Pedro Nardelli Environmental Education Center in preserving the endemic bird Pauxi mitu, popularly known as Mutum-de-Alagoas, in addition to specifically describing the tourist potential of the bird Pauxi mitu and the reasons that make the Pedro Nardelli Environmental Education Center a conservation strategy. The research was carried out between the months of June and October 2023, the works used were searched and selected in the following databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Google Scholar, Periódico Capes, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. In total, 58 works were found that were related to the research proposals, 44 of which were used to integrate the research. In view of the research carried out, it is concluded that the Pedro Nardelli Environmental Education Center has a high tourist potential, especially due to the work dedicated to the preservation and reintroduction of the Alagoas Mutum to its natural habitat, guaranteeing the preservation of the species and of other species in the region, promoting environmental awareness, regarding the preservation of the Atlantic Forest, the main ecosystem of the Mutum-de-Alagoas, in addition to increasing tourism in the region.Acesso AbertoConservaçãoMutum-de-AlagoasEspécies bandeirasTurismoConservationAlagoas CurassowFlag speciesTourismMutum de Alagoas e seu potencial turísticoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS