2024-03-112024-03-112024-03-112022-04-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/446With the interest of having a method capable of producing more ethanol without the need to increase the sugarcane plantation area, a production technique was developed from sugarcane biomass (bagasse and straw, composed of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), and its product is called second-generation ethanol (E2G). However, from the conventional steps present in the production of first-generation ethanol, in this technique it is necessary to add two processing steps (pre-treatment and hydrolysis of the biomass). The present study aimed to study the E2G production method from the literature review. It was verified that this new ethanol production technology brings advantages, such as: reduction of carbon dioxide emission, producing more ethanol without increasing the planted area, fuel with high yield, among others; There are also disadvantages, namely: increased cost due to the addition of two process steps, need for skilled labor, lack of incentives for research, etc. Despite the challenges, this new production method of E2G was implemented by the GranBio plant, located in the municipality of São Miguel dos Campos/AL, which at the end of the process delivers an advanced, clean ethanol that does not compete with the food industry, implying which, despite not being a common method for all mills, is a viable option that delivers a quality product.Acesso AbertoE2GBiomassaTecnologiaEtanolEtanol de segunda geração: vantagens e desvantagensTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoTECNOLOGIA QUIMICAÁLCOOL