2024-05-242024-05-242024-05-242024-02-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/527Technology and its advances are fundamental to the education of children and adolescents, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused educational content to be passed on to students even if they did not present gifts in a classroom. classroom. The insertion of technology combined with education was analyzed, as this resource can make Portuguese language classes more interesting, attracting the attention of the uninterested public. Study the ways in which teachers have difficulty using technology in the classroom; evaluated teachers regarding the use of technology in their Portuguese language classes and presented possible solutions regarding the interfaces used by teachers to satisfy students in the classroom. Currently, the old cardboards have been preserved by modern and luxurious slides, made in PowerPoint, Prezi or Canva, something that could never be imagined before. In fact, even the student who only held the poster also evolved into the slide passer. And that is why it is possible to notice the evolution. The methodology addressed was qualitative, with an emphasis on the case study with the application of an online questionnaire, through Google Forms, sent to 17 Portuguese language teachers in elementary school, from different cities in Alagoas, from public and private schools. so that they could answer 14 questions about the use of technological applications in their classrooms in municipal, state and private schools, from young teachers to veterans, ranging from undergraduate to doctorate, serving some cities in Alagoas. The results obtained indicate that there are great challenges in the use of technological resources for many teachers, which requires them to recognize difficulties and seek qualifications to use technology in their classes.Acesso AbertoLetras-PortuguêsEducação - TecnologiaTecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) Sala de aulaEdication - TecnologyInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) - ClassroomEducação e tecnologia: um estudo sobre os desafios da utilização das TICs nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa no ensino fundamentalTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS