2024-09-042024-09-042024-09-042021-12-17https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/688Understanding how the geographic space in which we live is being treated, with regard to sustainability, demonstrates the concern to mitigate negative impacts as well as potentiate positive impacts in the location. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the impacts and socio-environmental aspects resulting from both the use of basic resources in the municipality, such as water supply, intense consumption of electricity and production of solid waste, with regard to the form of occupation urban space by local residents as well as the adverse effects caused by tourist activity in the city. Therefore, the methods adopted as a scientific basis in this work were bibliographical and documental research. It is also important to say that the research is also characterized as an exploratory case study. Then, during the methodological procedures, photographic records were carried out to report the landscape and the possible environmental impacts on the environment, as well as on-site visits to check the days of the week that produce more waste in the city. It was observed that the most relevant economic activity for the municipality in question is linked to the tourism sector, since the arrival of people from different locations moves the local economy, adding 77% to the Gross Domestic Product of the region. Thus, it could be observed that there were significant impacts on the structure of the city. Thus, it was verified through documentary instruments, that during the high season, between the months of December and February, the water supply and energy consumption become compromised, according to the number of individuals in the place. It was also observed that the Niquim river, responsible for supplying the municipality, has been suffering from local pollution, in which a high level of Escherichia coli bacteria, above 800 (NMP) Most Probable Number, was verified through documentary analysis. In short, it is concluded that, community, businessmen, visitors, in short, the set of social actors involved in this matter must collaborate towards local sustainability, considering that all people enjoy their geographical space.Acesso AbertoImpactos ambientaisAbastecimento de águaConsumo energéticoResíduos sólidosSustentabilidadeEnvironmental impactsWater supplyEnergy consumptionSolid wasteSustainabilityDiagnóstico dos principais impactos e aspectos socioambientais que ocorrem no município da Barra de São Miguel-AlTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS