2025-02-172025-02-172024-10-24https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/860The brown propolis, produced by bees of the species Apis mellifera, and geopropolis, generated by Melipona scutellaris, are widely recognized for their significant bioactive properties, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. This study aimed to characterize the physicochemical properties of geopropolis from the municipality of Maceió and brown propolis from the municipality of Pilar. The samples underwent extraction by maceration and Soxhlet methods, followed by detailed analyses of wax content, loss on drying, ash content, and soluble solids. The results showed that brown propolis exhibited an average mechanical mass of 29.65% in the Soxhlet extraction and 56.9% in maceration, while geopropolis had mechanical mass contents of 75.73% and 75.08%, respectively. The wax content in propolis was 22.44% (Soxhlet) and 31.20% (maceration), exceeding the legal limit in maceration. The loss on drying was 5.81% for propolis, within standards, while geopropolis showed 4.56%. The ash content was 1.87% for propolis and 65.22% for geopropolis, reflecting a higher amount of inorganic material in the latter. The quantification of phenolic compounds revealed 2.02% for propolis (Soxhlet) and 2.80% (maceration), while geopropolis contained 2.74% and 2.22%, respectively. Total flavonoids were 0.011% (Soxhlet) and 0.046% (maceration) for propolis, and 0.039% (Soxhlet) and 1.33% (maceration) for geopropolis. Antioxidant activity, evaluated by the DPPH method, was 31.94% for propolis (Soxhlet) and 73.81% (maceration), while geopropolis showed 75.82% (Soxhlet) and 86.11% (maceration). Additionally, the analysis of volatile organic compounds conducted by Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry revealed the presence of 66 compounds in brown propolis and 48 compounds in geopropolis. The diversity of volatile compounds, including esters, terpenes, and phenols, highlights the potential of these substances for therapeutic and industrial applications. These results indicate that both propolis and geopropolis possess high levels of bioactive compounds, marked by their strong antioxidant activity, suggesting considerable therapeutic potential. The physicochemical characterization of these substances is of great importance for the municipalities of Pilar and Maceió, as it enhances local natural resources and opens opportunities for the development of apicultural products with industrial and medicinal applications. Additionally, this research contributes to the strengthening of beekeeping in the region, promoting sustainable practices and valuing local culture within a context of conservation and health.ptQuímicaCompostos bioativosGeoprópolis - Potencial terapêuticoProdutos apícolasCompostos orgânicos voláteisPrópolisBioactive compoundsApicultural productsVolatile organic compounds. Volatile organic compoundsGeopropolis - Therapeutic potentialCaracterização físico-química da própolis marrom e geoprópolis no nordeste alagoano, BrasilTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICA