2023-08-042023-08-042023-08-042023-05-31https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/255Teaching is something that requires techniques, specific knowledge and, above all, attention to the expectations of what one aims to teach and learn. Military police training is even more specific than training acquired in any other area, having its own very specific practical and theoretical disciplines. The action of the police officer, of the public security operator, is directly linked to his preparation, being, therefore, taught to act in the most extreme situations, to maintain emotional balance and, above all, to respect life, making the correct application of the laws. In this way, public security agents receive instructions with the intention of improving performance standards through robust and consolidated training, in which mistakes and abuses are minimized in the future. The guiding question of the present study was to detect the perception of the military police of the State of Alagoas about standardized professional training. From which secondary issues were addressed, such as: the history of military education in Brazil and Alagoas; the military police according to the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the typical activities of the military police – approach, self-defense and isolation of the crime scene; the Basic Organization Law of the Military Police of Alagoas – Law n.º 6,230, of April 19, 2001 – expose the issue of military education of the Military Police of the State of Alagoas; what the National Guidelines say about military education; how is the reality of the formation of the military police of Alagoas. It will also be seen the explanation of a part of the Decree of the State of Alagoas n° 33376/89, the principle of legal reserve and the perception of the military police on the execution of ostensive policing. And finally, an analysis will be made of the data, obtained by filling out the questionnaire by the military police of the State of Alagoas, via Google Forms; this with the aim of investigating what is the perception of the military police about the existence of a uniformity in the military formation and if the standardization of the modus operandi of doing the ostensible policing can help in the framework of the public security of the State of Alagoas.Acesso AbertoEnsinoPadronizaçãoPercepçãoPolícia MilitarTeachingStandardizationPerceptionMilitary policeO ensino policial nos centros de formação da PMAL: detectar a percepção dos policiais militares do estado de alagoas acerca de uma formação profissional padronizadaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS