2025-01-092025-01-092024-08-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/824Participatory Budgeting is a mechanism that aims to involve citizens in the process of allocating resources and making government decisions, with the aim of increasing the transparency, accountability, and legitimacy of public policies. This work investigates the effectiveness of Participatory Budgeting to understand its impact on social engagement and the construction of more inclusive and representative public policies as a tool for social engagement, through the analysis of the "Participa Maceió" program implemented in 2023. Data collection included analysis of documents related to the "Participa Maceió" Program, as well as the main basis the "Consolidated Report of Public Hearings for the Preparation of the 2023 Budget Law". The research investigates how the program influenced citizen participation, the representativeness of the social groups involved, and the inclusion of civil society demands in public policies. Finally, this work contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of the Participatory Budget as a citizen empowerment strategy and how it can be improved to ensure a broader and more effective representation of the population's interests. During the analysis, it can be seen that the application of resources was divergent from what was requested by the population, with essential, relevant and moderate demands being basic needs such as education, health, social assistance, construction, transportation, security, and what is being applied are resources destined for the urban planning area in most Administrative Regions - RA. Thus, citizen participation and requests are completely disregarded and deviate from the principles of the Participatory Budget every time public resources are not allocated correctly.ptAdministração PúblicaOrçamento participativoEngajamento socialFormulação de Políticas PúblicasPrograma Participa MaceióParticipatory budgetSocial engagementFormulation of public polProgram Participa MaceióOrçamento participativo como ferramenta de atuação social na construção de políticas públicas: análise do Programa Participa MaceióTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO::ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA