2023-10-242023-10-232023-10-242018-06-21https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/319The study refers to recommendations of a room for a child with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), from the age of 2 and who is at criterion A, according to DSM-5. The objective is to design a room that, through play and the organization of the environment, will promote communication and social interaction. Obtaining a hypothetical-deductive approach presents a project with a new idea, clear principles and scientific language, which could be tested. A typological method of an ideal model for the room was elaborated, with recommendations for a better organization of the space with the aid of the ludic ideias to develop social interaction. The result of a scientific investigation obtained through a bibliographical research of secondary sources that, through a literary review of the professionals in the area and the parents of autistics, served as reference for the elaboration of the project. The result is a preliminary study at initial phase, which presents a zoning with the function of directing the flow, an organization of the furniture, objects and elements that are used in a set that can promote socialization since the beginning of childhood. In conclusion, it presents the importance of an environment focused on the particularities of the child with autism, serving as recommendations to environment and organize a playful room that provides communication and social interaction, with comfort and security.Acesso AbertoDesign – Estudo ambientalAutismoAmbiente LúdicoProjeto – Quarto infantiEstudo preliminar do quarto para criança autista : recomendações de um ambiente lúdicoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS