2021-10-212022-01-022021-10-212021-03-04http:// study critically discusses the scientific practice linked to its social impacts and work relations in the context of Vocational and Technological Education, in addition to presenting the development of an Educational Product, in video format, built for students of the third grade of integrated high school to the technician in Electrotechnics of the Federal Institute of Alagoas - Campus Maceió. The Educational Product reflects the history of the English scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867), responsible for discovering the principle of transformers and electric motors, fundamental machines for Electrotechnics and significant for the students' training universe. The material was applied under the curricular component Electrical Machines, followed by a discussion mediated by the research team and a collaborating teacher. Its objective is to contribute to integral human formation by promoting a reflection around science and technology as human productions with social implications that permeate the world of work. The study is of a qualitative character and uses the action research method. The theoretical basis of the research includes authors such as Ciavatta, Ramos, Moura and Saviani, among others, all affiliated to the progressive political-philosophical current. Data collected through semi-structured questionnaires were interpreted using the Content Analysis technique and organized in thematic tables containing representations of science and technology, associated with their impacts on the world of work, such as expressed by students. The results demonstrate in the subjects the capacity for conceptual articulation between the central themes of the research, but the absence of critical positions regarding the questionable neutrality of science and technology in society, or of conflicts of interest that could interfere in the conception of these elements. They also point to the potential of the Educational Product as a meaningful learning material in the context of Vocational and Technological Education.Acesso AbertoEducação Profissional eTecnológicaEnsino médio integradoProduto educacionalCiência e TecnologiaMichael FaradayTrabalho, ciência, tecnologia e sociedade : reflexões no contexto do ensino médio integrado ao técnico na formação em eletrotécnica do Instituto Federal de AlagoasDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS