2024-09-092024-10-092024-09-092023-11-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/705We are currently experiencing an environmental and climate crisis, with effects that often escape our ability to perceive directly, but considerably increase the evidence that they can affect not only the lives of those who produce them, but those of other people, species and even generations. Environmental education plays an important role in facing this crisis, as this educational area aims to work on teaching and learning with the aim of changing values, behaviors, feelings and attitudes, which must be carried out among all inhabitants of each territorial base. , permanently, continuously and for everyone. The present work aims to carry out an Analysis of the Insertion of Environmental Education with teachers in a public school in Marechal Deodoro-AL. The methodological route was to collect information through the application of questionnaires to the study participants. The results found indicate that the analyzed school has carried out some environmental projects with environmental education practices. It is concluded that the school studied needs to involve teachers more in training and training courses on environmental education.Acesso AbertoEducação AmbientalMarechal DeodoroMarechal DeodoroEnvironmental EducationElementary schoolA inserção da educação ambiental nas séries finais do ensino fundamental em uma escola da rede municipal de Marechal Deodoro/AlTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoOUTROS