2024-03-072024-03-072024-03-072022-06-09https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/432In the São Francisco river basin there are several changes as a result of human actions suffered over time, one of them being the inadequate way of disposing of hazardous waste. As an essential tool for the development of science, research laboratories are a means of proving the scientific knowledge produced in the most diverse areas of the human notion. Despite their importance for the development of science, laboratories are not exempt from contributing to the generation of environmental damage with a high potential for risk. The objective of this work was to characterize the level of knowledge of the academic community on the disposal of waste generated by the teaching and research activities of the Instituto Federal de Alagoas and its impacts on the Lower São Francisco. The methodology adopted is based on the use of a questionnaire to obtain answers about the types of reagents used, the procedures for their disposal and the possible degradations to the environment caused by incorrect disposal. Despite the high level of discernment of technicians and teachers about the proper handling and disposal of each waste used, one of the difficulties encountered was about the lack of monitoring during classes in the laboratory, due to the large number of students. For this, it is concluded the urgency of producing a manual of good practices in the laboratory, as mentioned by the laboratory technicians, where students will be able to obtain the adequate knowledge to handle the reagents within the research environment.Acesso AbertoLaboratório de pesquisaResíduos perigososEfluenteMeio ambienteNível de conhecimento da comunidade acadêmica sobre o descarte dos resíduos gerados pelas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão do IFAL - Campus PenedoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoSaneamento AmbientalControle da poluição