2021-08-302022-01-022021-08-302020-06-17http:// studies on processes of humanization in pedagogical practice present reflections on the teacher actions and the already established relationships of the formal classroom environment. This research had investigated educational practices in the Portuguese Language Classroom that consider the kindness and offering transversal themes. The study proposes to think about the pedagogical process of knowledge, at school environment from technical e technological federal network, in the first half of 2020. The main objective was to investigate humanized teaching practices, in order to elaborate an educational product - Educational Board Game named Resilience - directed to the secondary education integrated to technical school. The methodology was redefined from intervening variables because of a pandemic reality by the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore the face-to-face data collection with 10 students and one professor, had been reviewed for two students and in remote network communication by computer. The study examined integrated education in the view of omnilateral education of subjects. This is a qualitative and a collaborative investigation on a research-action, where methodological instruments would include online workshops and questionnaires application. The methodological steps followed the order: (i) organization the workshop contents; (ii) application of questionnaires; (iii) elaboration of remote workshops to discuss humanizing thematic to the adolescents; and (iv) creation an educational game that problematizes issues from socio-emotional interest to adolescents. The indicated results, with the answers and the virtual participation of the students, helped to evaluate and approve the educational product board game developed by the researcher. Additionally, the study systematized materials about humanization in the classroom. The intervention in the Portuguese language classes has been thought based on researcher training, licentiate in Letters, and his experience as a teacher, besides the questioning possibility that this curricular component promotes, through debates and oral presentations, readings, productions and interpretation and/or comprehension of verbal and non-verbal texts. The results confirmed that humanizing practices with dialogued classes and methodologies that involve active student’s participation promotes qualitative learning.Acesso AbertoProfessorAlunoEnsinoEducação Profissional e TecnológicaProduto EducacionalEstratégias pedagógicas nas aulas de língua portuguesa do ensino médio integrado ao técnico: reflexões sobre práticas humanizadorasDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS