2023-07-202023-07-202023-07-202022-10-05https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/233This research, qualitative and bibliographic, addresses aspects of communicative and dialogic heterogeneity in the classroom and highlights the relevance of communication and silence in pedagogical practice, essential in the communicative-educational process. The general objective of the research, inserted in the perspective of Discourse Analysis, the learning theories learned throughout the course and autobiography, was to reflect on how the silences of discourse are configured in my training as a student in the Degree Course of Letras-Português of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Alagoas (Ifal), in the Maceió Campus. Secondary objectives were: (i) to expand the understanding of communication in the classroom, through readings and reflections in the area of Education and (ii) to identify the understanding and my conceptions about teaching. Based on the bibliographical research that addresses communication knowledge from the perspective of discourse and autobiography in teaching, I sometimes use first-person narrative, authorized by the qualitative approach, but without losing the scientific focus. The research observes pedagogical practices based on the understanding of the student in formation, that is, discursive processualities of teacher and student, as protagonists of the teaching-learning process. The qualitative approach uses the report of experiences lived by the researcher herself, in the course, studies of bibliographic review in books, articles and institutional repositories. Finally, the descriptive method allowed to relate experiential data to educational practice. The results of the study indicated that the collaboration in responsive attitudes favors the dialogue in the classroom, motivating action of change in the formative process.Acesso AbertoHeterogeneidadeSilenciamentoDiálogoComunicaçãoHeterogeneitySilencingDialogueCommunicationHeterogeneidade da comunicação em sala de aula: reflexões sobre o silêncioTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES