2024-12-032024-12-032022https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/790The present work aimed to understand school dropout in the scope of the Integrated Technical Course of Electronics of the Federal Institute of Alagoas, The present work aimed to understand school dropout in the scope of the Integrated Technical Course of Electronics of the Federal Institute of Alagoas, at Campus Maceió, in order to alleviate the problem in the context of the course, building proposals that help the student's permanence in the integration of studies. The investigation focuses on the complexity of the subject, which involves personal, family, institutional and political factors. The study methodology has a qualitative and quantitative approach. Data were collected in 2020 and 2021, through the application of online questionnaires, made possible by Google Forms. Subsequently, in order to continue the systematization of the Educational Product (EP), we carried out another data collection, using the technique of the conversation circle through the virtual rooms of Google Meet. We also sent another questionnaire through Google Forms to 344 students of the electronics course. As an educational product, we systematized a photographic exhibition to give visibility and value to student identities and their knowledge produced within the scope of the Integrated Technical Electronics Course, this proposal is classified in the extension activity typology, according to a document from the Capes teaching area for masters professionals. It is understood that this problem is associated with the diversity of professionals and students that make up the Federal Institutes, as verified in other realities, by scholars on the subject. Finally, this problem becomes characteristic of the dynamism of inclusion. According to a survey of the evaluation of the Educational Product, carried out during the period of the photographic exhibition, the IFAL community, especially the students, expressed significant approval, especially regarding the information on the history of the Institute. Another important data, which reflects the acceptance of the exhibition, refers to the number of visitors, which was visited by 156 people.ptEvasão EscolarEducação Profissional Integrada de Nível MédioProduto Educacional.A história do curso técnico de eletrônica: promovendo a valorização e sensibilização da comunidade discente no combate à evasão na educação profissionalDissertaçãoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO