2025-02-202025-02-202024-11-22https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/865This paper presents an experience report of a Biological Sciences undergraduate student at the Instituto Federal de Alagoas (Ifal) – Maceió Campus, resulting from his participation in the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP), 2020/2022 edition, during the Covid -19 Pandemic, and his reflection on the importance of the Program for teacher training. This fact made this edition of the Pedagogical Residency Program different and unique, since, at all stages of its course, there was a need for adaptations, with meticulously thought out and worked actions, so that all the objectives of the Program were achieved, ensuring the safety of all those involved. Thus, this work is justified, since it contributes to the reflection on the importance of the PRP in the teacher training process, during the difficult period of the pandemic. The methodological path began through studies on the immersion of residents in the PRP. The participatory observation of the resident was carried out at the field school, in classes of different Integrated Courses. The dynamics of the research were based on the author's observations as one of the resident scholarship holders, in the daily experience during all the structuring/organization activities and the virtual and in- person teaching, which were recorded in the resident's Padletprofile. Next, the author carried out the immersion, an important and crucial moment, characterized by lesson planning and teaching in the classroom. The activities were considered satisfactory and contributed significantly to the initial training of the undergraduate students, ensuring the important relationship between theory and practice.ptCiências BiológicasBiologia - EnsinoFormação docentePrograma de Residência Pedagógica (PRP) - Pandemia Convid-19Biology teachingTeacher trainingPedagogical Residency Program - Covid 19 PandemicPrograma de reidência pedagógica e formação docente em tempos de pandemia: relato de experiência de um residente do Instituto Federal de AlagoasTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS