2023-05-232023-05-232023-05-232022-06-28https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/197The present work has the objective of analyzing how the ecclesiastical powers acted in "Alagoas" from the impacts caused by the war between the Dutch and the Luso-Brazilians between 1635 and 1637. Through the sources of the Tribunal of the Holy Office, the forms of institutional articulations between this tribunal and the ecclesial body are investigated, especially the figure of the episcopate based in Bahia. It was observed that mechanisms were used for social discipline, either in the internal aspect of the institution, or the population at large. The use of the tools proposed by microanalysis, in its aspect of scale variation, make up the methods of source analysis. In this way, it was possible to articulate macro and micro characteristics, individual and collective, of institutions and subjects, noting its possibilities of articulations and social arrangements.Acesso AbertoBrasil HolandêsInquisiçãoEpiscopadoDutch BrazilInquisitionEpiscopateApontamentos sobre a atuação dos poderes eclesiásticos e inquisitoriais em "Alagoas" durante a Guerra Neerlandesa (1635-1637)Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS HUMANAS