2024-08-292024-08-292024-08-292023-11-29https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/654This bibliographic work has as its central theme the eroticism present in the book Song of Songs, which is part of the biblical canon of the Old Testament. Inspired by questioning why the book of Song of Songs is not so well known, although its author, Solomon, and the Bible, the book that contains it, are highly notable, this work deals not only with the eroticism present in the text, but also with the gradual erasure that Song of Songs suffered, as it was a book with a different content than other biblical books. Based on the perception that the Bible is part of the literature of the Jewish people and that it is sacred mainly to the Jewish and Christian religions, we sought to clarify the possibilities of possible interpretations in relation to the book studied and list the interpretation that was used in the research, furthermore, given the repercussion of the book in religious contexts, some aspects that favored a mistaken reading of it were also listed. Based on Foucault's theory on discourse (2009) and sexuality (1997), and on the understandings of Alexandrian (1993), Chaia (1992), Vainfas (1986), Eaton and Car (1989) and Brenner (2001) about of eroticism and the book under analysis, we sought to highlight the literary characteristics of the text, exposing the linguistic resources mobilized during the Poem and, furthermore, through the use of passages from the book, reinforce how the presence of eroticism permeates the entire Poem analyzed.Acesso AbertoErotismoCântico dos cânticosBíbliaPoemaEroticismSong of songsBiblePoemO erotismo em cântico dos cânticos: uma construção literáriaTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES