2023-07-212023-07-212023-07-212023-06-15https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/236The literary canon is a collection of works officially recognized for their excellence and cultural importance. Its construction is a historical process that reflects the choices and values of commonly dominant groups. As a result, the canon often excludes works written by marginalized groups, including women. This erasure of female writers has influenced the development of the school curriculum and limited young people's exposure to these authors and their works. In Brazil, the literary canon is dominated by male writers, with little representation of literary works authored by women. This lack of representation directly affects education in the country, limiting exposure to literature written by women. This work addresses the influence of the patriarchal literary canon on the approach to literature written by women in school. Through bibliographic research, we sought to discuss how the erasure of Brazilian female writers from the canon influences the development of the basic education curriculum and, consequently, limits students' exposure to these writers. Among the results, it is evident that the approach to literature written by women in school is fundamental to building an egalitarian and inclusive education. It is important that Brazilian female writers are introduced to students so they can identify with their stories, be inspired by their journeys, and understand the richness and diversity of literature produced by women. The inclusion of these works in the school curriculum is important not only to ensure representation in literature but also to expand students' perspectives and promote diversity.Acesso AbertoLiteratura de autoria femininaEnsino de LiteraturaReconstrução do CânoneEscrita de autoria femininaFemale authored literatureLiterature TeachingCanon ReconstructionFemale authorship writingProblematização do Cânone Literário: perspectiva anti-patriarcal e discussão sobre o apagamento da literatura de autoria feminina no currículo escolarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES