2023-05-302023-05-302023-05-302021-10-06https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/209The hybrid approach to teaching is an alternative that will be pursued more intensely based on this experience of Brazilian Education fostered by the impacts of the pandemic, caused by COVID-19, on teaching practices. Practices that seek to combine technological resources, active methodologies, digital inclusion to achieve the goals of autonomous learning, mediated by teachers. The main objective of this study is to analyze the challenges faced by natural science teachers for the implementation of Hybrid Education in a Basic Education School in the city of Pilar. It is characterized in a case study, based on the observations of in-person and online classes, conversation session and interviews carried out through a semi-structured script to the subject teachers of the basic education institution in the city of Pilar-AL. For this, we support the studies of Cortelazzo (2010) Liblik (2011) and Bacich (2016). As results and considerations, we realize that there is no clear understanding of the conceptions and characteristics of the teaching approaches presented in this study, we note the insufficiency of the use of technologies in educational practices, which suggests a gap in the teacher training process and the absence of working conditions related to the use of digital technologies. There is also the challenge of rethinking educational practices, diversifying the resources used and offering new alternatives for teaching. Alternatives that open spaces for new possibilities through the use of digital technologies in educational spaces and times.Acesso AbertoContextos EducacionaisTecnologiasEnsino HíbridoEducational ContextsTechnologiesHybrid TeachingOs desafios do ensino híbrido para o/a professor/a de ciências naturais: um estudo de caso em escola de educação básica no município de PilarTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS