2024-03-042023-10-042024-03-042022-12-23https://repositorio.ifal.edu.br/handle/123456789/400This article aims to analyze the construction of the argument in the textual production of the students in integrated High School, checking how these students create write arguments in the class. The investigation was realized in textual Productions of essay genrer argumentative in 08 (eight) students of the 3º year of integrated High School in the institution federative of Alagoas/IFAL, in the way to identify and to analyze the standard argumentative proposed by Toulmin ([1958] 2006), the argumentative strategies studied by Perelman and Olbretchs-Tyteca ([1958] 2005), just how the linguistics discursive resources supported by Anscombre and Ducrot ([1988] 1994), Ducrot (2009) e Koch (2010). Still declaim with the studies of Backthin (genres of the discuss) and the reflections facing to the teach about the language (practices of language and the grouping of genres) perfomed by Schneuwly and Dolz (2004). This research its realized in the area of Textual Linguistics, as a qualitative/quantitative research and from documental nature. At the end of the analysis of school compositions, we concluded that students at the end of high school have great difficulties in constructing an argument on adverse topics, which require critical and autonomous knowledge, and still have a lack of mastery of complex argumentation operations such as articulations of the use of connectives, when using vicious argumentative operators, such as e, como and para/para que; in addition to making few attempts at a more elaborate argument, sticking to simple arguments consisting of data (D), justification (J) and (C) conclusion or lack thereof, elaborating incomplete arguments. This lack of argumentative mastery is not expected from a group in the final phase of high school. Thus, we visualize that the proposal of the studied school genre has great contributions in the problems presented by the students, since it is removed from its dialogical nature, therefore, it is important to think about the teaching/learning of this component in High School in a more dynamic and associated way its interactive nature.Acesso AbertoArgumentaçãoRedação escolarEnsinoLinguística TextualArgumentationSchool writingTeachingText linguisticsA construção da argumentação na sala de aula: uma análise dos recursos argumentativos nas redações escolares do ensino médio intregradoTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES